
Advocacy e-mail share…

Hi TuffCat,

You’ve done a wonderful thing today—you’ve told the world what kind of person you are and what you believe in!

But beyond that, you’ve joined with 100,000 others that believe the same things that you do! Your signature today will be exactly what we need to demand the change that is needed to save cats lives.

We’ll use this pledge that you signed to get animal shelters who still use outdated policies and needlessly kill defenseless cats today to change their ways. It will also be used to get public officials to update local laws to enforce those changes, too!

I just wanted to take a brief moment to say THANK YOU for standing up for cats everywhere that don’t have advocates.

Today, you’ve already done so much to help, but I do have one more favor to ask you…

Would you consider helping me spread the word and get even more signatures on this pledge by sharing it with your friends and family today?

Here is the link to the pledge for you to share:

Thank you so very much for all you’ve done to save lives today!

On behalf of cats who don’t have a voice, Becky Robinson


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