Across the Web

The RAINBOW connection and ME

A lot has happened…

It seems like I’ve been away from here for the longest time; but I will try to enliven this blog again and with this afternoon’s rainbow, I found a heavenly inspiration to start...

so for now, let me sing for you...

Someday we'll find it

The Rainbow Connection

The lovers, the dreamers and me 🙏


VamPURR: Halloween PET SAFETY Tips

Folks, Halloween is here again so time to re-visit some helpful tips on how to keep our four-legged goblins safe as well. Below is a re-post from The Humane Society of the United States on Pet Safety on Halloween. Thank you. Have a safe and fun Halloween y'all!

  • Keep Your Pets Safe on Halloween

  • Jack-o'-lanterns, trick-or-treaters, haunted houses and costume parties. Halloween is full of fun things for you and your family to enjoy, but it's one of those holidays that is enjoyed more by people than by pets.

  • Keep the following precautions in mind when preparing for the frightfully fun festivities and help ensure that everyone in your family—including your pet—has a safe Halloween.

  • Keep your pet in a quiet place, away from trick-or-treaters and other Halloween activities. You may know that the miniature monsters and goblins who come knocking on Halloween aren't real, but pets don't. Dogs and cats are creatures of habit and could become frightened or agitated by the unaccustomed sights and sounds of costumed visitors. In addition, frequently opened doors provide a perfect opportunity for escape, which can go unnoticed during all the commotion. Be sure all pets are wearing collars and ID tags in case of an accidental getaway.

  • Cats—black ones in particular—often fall victim to pranksters. Keep cats safely indoors. Visit for more information.

  • Place live flame decorations like candles and jack-o'-lanterns out of your pet's reach. Curious critters risk being singed or burned by the flame—they could also easily knock over a candle or pumpkin and cause a fire.

  • Keep candy away from pets. All those sweets may taste great to critters, but candy, especially chocolate, can be toxic to pets. Candy wrappers can also be harmful if swallowed. Instead, tempt your pet with a few of his favorite treats.

  • Resist the urge to put your pet in a costume. You may think your pet looks adorable dressed as a princess, but most pets don't like the constraints of costumes. If you do decide to play dress-up, make sure the costume is safe for your pet and doesn't constrain her movement, hearing or ability to breathe. Check the costume for parts your pet could chew off and choke on and look for dangling pieces like flowing capes that could injure her.

  • Don't let the family dog accompany the kids on their trick-or-treat outing. Children may have a difficult time handling a pet during the festivities and your pooch could get loose, especially if your dog is spooked by the strange sights and sounds of trick-or-treaters.

  • Keep decorations that pets could chew on—like streamers and fake spider webs—and wires and cords from electric decorations out of reach. If pets chomp on Halloween decorations they could choke or become ill and, if they chew on electrical cords, they risk a potentially deadly electrical shock. Pets could also become tangled and injured by dangling cords or decorations.

Source: The Humane Society of the United States |



Advocacy e-mail share…

Hi TuffCat,

You’ve done a wonderful thing today—you’ve told the world what kind of person you are and what you believe in!

But beyond that, you’ve joined with 100,000 others that believe the same things that you do! Your signature today will be exactly what we need to demand the change that is needed to save cats lives.

We’ll use this pledge that you signed to get animal shelters who still use outdated policies and needlessly kill defenseless cats today to change their ways. It will also be used to get public officials to update local laws to enforce those changes, too!

I just wanted to take a brief moment to say THANK YOU for standing up for cats everywhere that don’t have advocates.

Today, you’ve already done so much to help, but I do have one more favor to ask you…

Would you consider helping me spread the word and get even more signatures on this pledge by sharing it with your friends and family today?

Here is the link to the pledge for you to share:

Thank you so very much for all you’ve done to save lives today!

On behalf of cats who don’t have a voice, Becky Robinson


Related post:  JUNE is ADOPT-A-CAT Month: I WANT...someone to Love

Philippians 4:13 - and the Reason is YOU...

When I got diagnosed with an invasive breast cancer, I did not know if it was His will to heal me or if my borrowed time here on earth is nearing its due date. I sought God and His will.

Keeping the Faith through all the bleak times and uncertain seasons in my life, I live day to day and pray without ceasing for His continued merciful love and light in my life.


“Faith believes when there is no reason to hope. Faith isn’t seeing; faith is believing. It never stops hoping. It never gives up. Faith is obeying God even when there are no results and believing the results are happening somewhere (maybe even just inside me, reminding me to turn to God as the ultimate source of provision for everything I need).”

And then it answered prayer, a testimony to my test, the reason for my scars, a new and continued chapter of my life...

I will be back in the workforce again on Monday at a medical imaging facility...and of all the many departments I could get assigned to, I got hired at the Mammography Department whereby I could totally relate and empathize with the patients.

GOD truly works in mysterious ways and I thank Him for this providence to continue in my life’s journey, wear my scars with a smile and serve through Him.

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” ~ Philippians 4:13

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” ~ Philippians 4:13


Yearly re-post...

October already in just a few days...

Folks, It is that time of the year again--October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month--one that so closely strike a chord in my heart because just like my mother, by GOD's Grace who is a breast cancer Survivor going for 14 years now, I too, am now on my second year after when my journey begun.

Breast cancer is very real and it is important to be aware that it could happen to you, or your loved ones.  Please do not let the ads and campaigns you come across to especially this awareness month, fall into deaf ears--Please participate, support the cause and be informed-- Remember, as with any other health matters, early detection greatly increases the success of your treatment and survival should you be diagnosed with breast cancer. Whoever you are [Men too]...