Across the Web

I knew I LOVED YOU before I met You!

I am a homebody. My life’s routine are mainly work, home, take care of my mom, stand by my better-half, cuddle with my cat, pray to keep my breast cancer at bay, sleep and repeat. Other than from my native country, I have not traveled outside the USA but someday, somehow would really love to see The Vatican.

…then life unravels yet another wind of change—I lost my Dearest Mother. I had to see a grief counselor for the first time ever. One of her advice to try to move on from my loss, no matter how painfully hard and slowly I go was to do things I love…so though I am not really that social, I did start being active again at my social media accounts, mostly at my Instagram.

I was also watching the KSNV news one day, when they featured The Las Vegas Farm, Barn Buddies Rescue where you can go see and feed the all rescued animals. One thing about me is that I LOVE ANIMALS especially Cats. I did do volunteer work in California years back but not here…so it’s absolutely a sign for me to go…

The sun’s shining, crispness in the air as I approached The Farm’s entrance when surprisingly, I got greeted bay a CAT! My heart immediately warmed-up, filled with love, happiness and joy!

You had me at MEOW


You had me at MEOW 〰️

I KNEW I LOVED YOU BEFORE I MET YOU: The moment I’m grateful for the most is when God planned that your path is destined to cross mine! Full video @YouTube link and more videos @TikTok, @Instagram @TuffCatnet /

Among the things I thank God for most, is the love He gave me for animals. My heart would be emptier, and life would be less without them.

Heart of Mine: BETTER DAYS are coming…

I always say that my life is and have always been a beautiful struggle with all of the challenges I face, and yet so blessed for being able to overcome them by GOD’s Grace!

The Lord stood by me and gave me strength…

…more so these past months when my darkest point in my life shattered my heart to its core when my Mother passed away.

The saddest sound in the entire universe

is the sound of the last heartbeat!

I’ve never been so helpless and heartbroken! I still ache from losing her…there are days that are tougher!

Missing you comes in waves and tonight,

I’m drowning…

Through this, my breast cancer journey continues…I still have to go through my infusions, tumor marker labs and oncologist follow-up every 3-4 months because of the invasive nature of the cancer I had.

Add-on, my better-half himself is having medical challenges now, too.

I’d rather it just be me, not my loved ones.

But as I always say. too ”there’s always good in bad and that “there’s always something to be thankful for”

I am thankful that I’m back to work— though I basically work now just for gas and my cancer continuing insurance coverage—BUT I AM THANKFUL THAT I AM WORKING!  I’ve always liked to work and I’m blessed that I’ve always been getting along with my co-workers, then and now… some even became long-time friends which I still have contact with though we’re miles apart. My co-workers now are also a bunch of lovely ladies and a handful of gentlemen.  Fun group to work with!

Thank you for making me laugh

when I couldn’t even smile.

I was told by my grief counselor and my oncologist today to “be kind to myself” and try to start doing things again that makes me happy even going through whatever life throws at me…

I’ve been away from social media platforms for a while now, but started to be active again on my Twitter, Tiktok, Instagram and this Finding Website, a part of my Anonymously Yours Network, which with or without and an audience serves as my blogpile of emotions on where I kinda wear my SkippyHeart on my e-sleeves again.

so I am back…

as always,MY DEAR LOVED ONES, FRIENDS, EARTH ANGELS AND BEAUTIFUL STRANGERS, please hold my hand and promise not to let go…

Can’t CRY HARD enough…

My Dearest Mama passed away! I was hugging her until her last heartbeat! 😭💔


God saw she was getting tired and a cure was not to be.
So He put His arms around her and whispered “come to me.”
With tearful eyes we watched her, and saw her fade away.

Although we loved her dearly, we could not make her stay.
A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands at rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the best.

The saddest sound in the entire universe is the sound of the last heartbeat!

Purr for PINK: OCTOBER is Breast cancer AWARENESS MONTH 2022

Yearly re-post...

I go PURR for PINK!

Folks, It is that time of the year again--October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month--one that so closely strike a chord in my heart because just like my mother, by GOD's Grace who is a breast cancer Survivor going for 17 years now, I too, am now on my fifth year after when my journey begun.

Breast cancer is very real and it is important to be aware that it could happen to you, or your loved ones.  Please do not let the ads and campaigns you come across to especially this awareness month, fall into deaf ears--Please participate, support the cause and be informed-- Remember, as with any other health matters, early detection greatly increases the success of your treatment and survival should you be diagnosed with breast cancer. Whoever you are [Men too]...

ART even with scars beneath those Hopeful eyes...

I’ve been wanting to visit the Sahara West Library for the group exhibit, curated by Myranda Bair, highlighting the similarities between humans and pigeons.

Although I have been sick these past few days with migraines so bad as if my eyes were going to pop out of my head, today I feel well enough to go and I am glad I did. The library also showcases Arts by George Strasburger: Parables.

You could still be aesthetic like a piece of Art
Even with scars beneath
those Hopeful eyes

“Hope is like a bird that senses dawn and carefully starts to sing while it is still dark.”

Check out my Tiktok video on a Pigeon’s plight…